Important Certification Guidelines to Keep in Mind


  • Faculty members in charge of courses should choose the version of the course that they will be teaching in Summer and Winter terms and submit it to ATLAS TLT. Graduate students should not submit courses for certification on their own. Their submissions should be discussed with the faculty member in charge of the course or with a department official. In the course submission, the graduate student needs to provide the name of the faculty member or department official who authorized the course submission.
  • After a course site is submitted for certification and CITL reports are shared with the faculty member, graduate students can, under the supervision of the faculty member in charge of the course, implement the necessary changes to the course site based on the CITL reports. (LAS Online does not implement the changes on behalf of faculty members.)
  • Once a course is submitted for certification, the faculty member should not move it to a different LMS, because this would require the certification process for that course to be re-initiated.
  • ATLAS TLT does not certify different versions of the same course in the same certification cycle. For this reason, we recommend that departments discuss internally what version of any given course they want to submit for certification in any certification cycle before submitting the course. As stated above, such submissions must be discussed with the faculty member in charge of the course or with a department official.
  • Consider creating a course site that is going to be used as a template for future deliveries of a course. Having a certified course template will (a) make the certification process more time efficient for departments, (b) prevent uncertified versions of the course from being offered, (c) ensure that the LAS Online certification requirements for certification are met every time the course is delivered, and (d) maintain a course’s eligibility for participation in the preferential revenue-sharing model in Summer and Winter terms. However, if substantial changes are made to the template, it should be re-submitted for certification.