Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are typically free and yield massive numbers of registrants globally. Partnering with Coursera, Illinois is currently offering MOOC courses free to anyone interested in enrolling. Our experience delivering MOOCs continues to help us improve online education for our LAS Online courses.

world map


Planet Earth...and You!

Dr. Stephen Marshak and Dr. Eileen Herrstrom

earth from space

Introduction to Sustainability

Dr. Jonathan Tomkin


busy crosswalk from overhead


Microeconomics Principles

Dr. José J. Vázquez-Cognet


Emergence of Life

Bruce W. Fouke, Ph.D.




Why Should I Enroll in a MOOC?

While these courses cannot be taken for Illinois course credit, they offer the same high-quality lectures offered on campus at Illinois. Some reason LAS Online students may register for MOOCS include:

  • Students have never taken an online course and want to try learning online without consequences
  • Students have strict course schedules and are sincerely interested in one of these topics
  • Students use MOOCs to try-out a course for free before deciding whether to enroll on campus through LAS Online

To see a list of all Illinois MOOCs and register, visit the Coursera for Illinois page!